Ready to Connect with New customers?

Get Live Transfer Insurance Calls Powered by AI

Stop wasting time and money chasing down customers. Live transfer calls are 100% exclusive. All you need to do is answer the phone and instantly connect with the prospect on the line.

rated #1 Rated #1 Insurance Call Provider

The nation's top carriers use to grow their business

How it Works

Pick Up Your Phone, Your Next Sale is on the Line

We Find Prospects

Our marketing team finds and engages with over 2 million highly interested consumers shopping online for insurance each month. We drive consumers to our network of top rated insurance websites.

Collect Detailed Information

The prospects are asked to complete a comprehensive quote request form. We gather all crucial data you need to provide an accurate quote.

Qualify Prospects

Our US based contact team qualifies each consumer to ensure they are genuinely interested and have the time to engage with a licensed agent. We also take an extra step to confirm that the consumer has not already received a quote from the insurance carrier you represent, ensuring that you are their exclusive point of contact.

Handoff to You

If the prospect matches your filter criteria, we will facilitate a warm handoff, transferring the consumer directly to your agency for a personalized, seamless experience. All the collected information is promptly uploaded into your account or can be directly imported into your preferred quoting platform, CRM, or lead manager.

Check out our Sample Leads Below

The Future of Insurance

Revolutionizing How Insurance Agents Find & Keep Their Clients

Using cutting-edge technology, we intelligently match insurance shoppers with insurance agents, streamlining the process and improving conversion rates. We aim to deliver not just prospects but profitable and lasting relationships.

Our centralized platform empowers you to control, target, and optimize your marketing efforts with unparalleled precision and effectiveness. We've combined advanced technology and data analytics to help you streamline your insurance agency operations.


100% Contact Rate

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    Every prospect you receive is a pre-qualified live connection

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    Our contact team verifies prospects information and makes sure they want a quote.

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    Save time, money and dramatically improve your agency's productivity and efficiency.

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    No more wasted time calling and chasing down prospects


Prospect Targeting

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    Precisely target and filter consumers based on your underwriting risk appetite

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    Connect with the prospects that fit perfectly into your business model

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    Improve conversion rates and maximize profitability

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    Full control of your budget, filters, territory and more


Cost-Effective Marketing

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    Write policies based on your target cost per acquisition

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    Ensure that every dollar spent on marketing contributes to your bottom line

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    Adjust your bids and budget at any time without restrictions

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    Dedicated account management team at your side the whole time


Full Control of Schedule

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    Pause and activate your campaigns at any time

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    You decide when and where you receive calls

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    Manage your time more efficiently and never miss out on a potential client again


Call Analytics

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    Gain critical insights into your operations and understand what drives conversions

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    See what campaigns your most desirable customers are coming from.

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    Access data-driven insights to optimize your agency operations

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    Streamline your processes, reduce costs, and increase agent efficiency


CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) Analyzer

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    Right price your campaigns based on your target CPA.

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    Easily upload your dispositions and our platform will self-optimize to deliver your CPA objectives

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    Track every marketing dollar you spend to ensure ROI is on point

Who We Are

Get to Know

We are a team dedicated to improving the sales performance of insurance agents through the power of AI. Our platform is built on the foundations of deep industry knowledge, a passion for innovation, and a commitment to providing transformative solutions for the insurance industry.

Our founding team consists of insurance professionals who have spent their careers running successful insurance agencies, working at top-tier insurance carriers, and developing cutting-edge software solutions.

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    No minimums, contracts, or long-term commitments on live transfer calls

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    Pre-qualified prospects transferred to your phone ready for a quote

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    You have full control of your budget, filters, territory and more

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    Consumer Information delivered to you instantly including everything you need to provide an accurate quote

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    US based call center team and account managers always a phone call away to answer questions and provide insightful advice



Years of Insurance Industry Experience



#1 Rated Insurance Call Provider



Number of Quote Requests Each Month



Number of States we Work In


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do the calls come from?

Our team of technology experts use SEO and SEM technology to find and engage with prospects looking for insurance online. owns and operates a suite of over 25 award winning consumer brands that we drive customers too. All calls are prospects that have been verified by our US based call center team.

How are the calls transferred to me?

Prospects are asked to fill out a questionnaire about the type of insurance they are looking for and enter all of their contact information. Once the questionnaire is complete, our team will make contact with the prospect, verify their information and to make sure they are in fact looking for a quote and want to speak with a licensed agent. The contact center rep will then call your phone and once you pick up, we hand the interested prospect off to you.

I’m going to be out of the office, can I pause my account?

Yes, you have full control of when you want to pause your account. You also have full control over the number of calls you want to receive and can set daily and monthly budgets.

What details are included with the call?

We include all information that you need in order to provide the prospect with an accurate quote. Once you answer the phone, the prospect’s information will be available in your account or imported into your quoting system or CRM.

How much are the calls?

The pricing of live transfer calls can vary depending on the type of insurance and the filtering options you want. Speak with one of our reps at (877) 201-7060 to get pricing and get a volume estimate of how many calls are available in your area each day.

How many agents receive the same call?

You are the only agent to receive a call. This gives live transfer calls a distinct edge over traditional leads. Not only are you not competing with other agents, but you also dont need to chase after the prospect. You answer the phone and your prospect is already on the line and ready for a quote.

Ready to Get Started?

Talk to one of our reps to get pricing and a free demo!